Selecting the best Angus genetics for optimal performance
3R is an adopter of industry-leading technologies across all aspects of production including IVF, genomic, and lot feeding.
We are wholeheartedly committed to delivering value and consistency to the Australian beef industry in all its forms, using this philosophy as our anchor.
We stick to three key principles when selecting for genetic success
Maternal Value
Maternal value is at the core of building a productive, profitable cattle operation. Herd fertility has the greatest impact on the bottom line in commercial beef production, and that's why it’s our top priority.
At 3R, we’re committed to breeding commercially relevant productive cows, and we choose bulls from proven dams that meet our rigorous standards. These bulls aren’t just for today—they’ll shape the genetic future of our herd for the next decade.
By investing in a 3R animal, you're bringing superior genetics into your herd. With our unwavering focus on maternal value, we’re confident that our genetics will drive long-term profitability and success for your operation.
Adaptability & Performance
Adaptability is key to producing high-performing cattle that thrive in any environment. From conception to weaning, the dam plays a crucial role in shaping a calf’s development and setting the foundation for its long-term performance.
Weaning and yearling weights are strong indicators of an animal's future economic value, reflecting its ability to perform across different environments. We take a 'build for the worst' view, designing our cattle to handle droughts and tough times.
With the growing focus on climate, it’s becoming clear that an animal’s age at slaughter is a major factor in reducing whole-of-life emissions.
At 3R, we take pride in selecting genetics that produce resource-efficient cattle, perfectly suited to Australia’s diverse landscapes and commercial conditions. Our goal is to breed animals that are not only productive but also environmentally sustainable for the long haul.
A Desirable Product
At 3R, we never lose sight of the end goal: delivering a product that meets the demands of Australia’s commercial beef producers. The way an animal finishes—along with the quantity and quality of its beef—are crucial factors in driving success across the industry.
Our focus is on breeding cattle that efficiently meet market demands, finishing as top-quality beef. Since carcase traits are among the most heritable, we prioritize optimizing these qualities throughout our herd to ensure the best possible outcome.
By keeping this end result in mind, we ensure that every link in the supply chain benefits, from paddock to plate, with 3R cattle offering the versatility to deliver value at every stage.